Foreign visitors need to apply a visa to visit Taiwan with the exception of the visa exempted nationals. To obtain a visa, visitor must have foreign passports or travel documents valid for more than six months. Visas can be obtained from our Ministry of Foreign Affairs and our embassies, consulates or designated representative offices in foreign countries.
NOTE:If your country is not eligible for visa-exempt entries or landing visas, please make sure to obtain a tourist visa in your home country.
Visa-Exempt Entry
Countries eligible
Visa-exempt entry |
Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brunei Darussalam, Canada, Costa Rica, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Iceland, Italy, Japan, Republic of Korea, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Malta, Monaco, the Netherlands , New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, U.K. and U.S.A. |
Requirements |
1.A passport valid for at least six months (unless otherwise stipulated by treaty or agreement)
2.A confirmed return air ticket or an air ticket and a visa for the next destination, and a confirmed seat reservation for departure.
3.No criminal record.
Duration of stay |
30 days
The 30 days' duration of stay starts from the next day of arrival and is not extendable.
Attendees from other countries will need to apply a visa.
Landing Visas
Countries eligible
Landing Visas |
Nationals of Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland
Holders of USA Passport with validity less than six months. |
Requirements |
1.A passport valid for at least six months.
2.A confirmed return air ticket or an air ticket and a visa for the next destination, and a confirmed seat reservation for departure.
3.Fill out an application form with two photos.
Visa fee of NTD 1,200 (citizens of countries with reciprocal agreements shall be issued visas
4.Visa fee of NTD 1,600 (citizens of countries with reciprocal agreements shall be issued visas gratis) plus a handling fee of NTD 800; for U.S. citizens: see remarks 2.
5.No criminal record.
Duration of stay |
30 days
The 30 days' duration of stay starts from the next day of arrival and is not extendable.
Remarks |
* Holders of USA Passport with validity less than six months.
1.Passengers shall apply for a visa at ROC Overseas Missions and be charged a special handling fee of equal amount USD131 (NTD4, 323).
2.Passengers who apply for visas upon arrival at the ports of entry in the ROC shall be charged a special handling fee of equal amount USD131 ( NTD4, 323) plus an additional fee of USD24 ( NTD800). A single entry visa of which duration of stay is no more than 30 days may be granted.
Information about visa application can be found at Bureau of consular Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Bureau of Consular Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Address: 3-5F., 2-2 Chi-Nan Rd., Sec. 1, Taipei , Taiwan, ROC (MAP)
Tel: +886-2-2343-2888
Fax: +886-2-2343-2968
Service: Apply for Visas, Passport, Authentication
Open Hours: 08:30 ~ 17:00, Monday to Friday
入出境许可证申请书一份 |
- 通行证、护照或居民身分证基本资料与照片同一页者,影本贴于申请书正面。基本资料与照片不同页者,有姓名之基本资料页影本贴于申请书正面,照片页影本贴于申请书背面。旅居香港或澳门尚未满七年者,加贴港澳居民身分证影本于申请书背面。
- 中文姓名如系简体字,由邀请单位,依据其通行证、护照或居民身分证影本上姓名,于中文姓名栏代填正体字。
- 申请人签章栏,由申请来台从事专业活动之大陆地区人民亲自签名或盖章。
- 有关现(曾)任党政军之资料请据实填写。
营业执照及批准证书影本一份 |
个人任职证明正本一份 |
大陆地区居民身分证影本一份 |
个人二吋半身相片二张 |
- 最近1年内2吋半身正面脱帽照片(直4.5公分,横3.5公分,人像自头顶至下颚之长度不得小于3.2公分或超过3.6公分,白色背景正面半身彩色照片)
- 应与所持大陆地区居民身分证、大陆地区所发往来台湾通行证或护照(以下简称居民身分证、通行证或护照)能辨识为同一人。
个人简历说明一份 |
护照影本一份 |
- 证照费用:新台币600元作业规费。
- 代办费用:新台币3,600元及附挂号回邮信封并填写收件人及住址。
- 申请时间:应于预定行程二个月前提出申请。
The 12th Annual Meeting of the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness
Copyright © The 12th Annual Meeting of the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness and Institute
of Philosophy of Mind and Cognition, National Yang Ming University |