Science |
Keynote Lectures |
Keynote Speakers
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Dr. Christopher W. Tyler
Smith-Kettlewell Brain Imaging Center,
Smith-Kettlewell Eye Research Institute, U.S.A
Website: http://www.ski.org/cwtyler_lab
Dr. Tyler is one of the most important contemporary vision scientists. In the past 40 years, Dr. Tyler has published hundreds of scientific papers, including several journal papers in Nature and Science. Dr. Tyler has made great contribution in spatial vision, depth perception, and neuroimaging. Dr. Tyler’s research has influenced not only the academic field, but also the mass media. Many high-profile popular magazines and newspaper such as the New York Times have reported his work. Dr. Tyler is the inventor of the autostereogram which allows observers to see 3D patterns in one picture without any aids. The application of this technology has become an industry of million dollars per year, as the concept of free-viewing stereograms has spread into modern single-screen stereo display. In addition, Dr. Tyler applied the methods and theories of visual analysis to the domain of visual art. This approach has evoked extensive discussions, and impacted the development of modern vision science and the history of art. Recently, Dr. Tyler’s research on the visual analysis of facial expressions has not only been a pioneer in this domain, but also attracted the public’s eyes that it was reported many times by the mass media. Dr. Tyler extended the reverse correlation techniques to the global analysis of facial expressions (happy and sad) to show which parts of the face convey the relevant information.. At least 600 broadcasts reported this study in the United States during the first week after the publication of this paper.
• 2004 D.Sc. in Visual Processing, University of Keele, UK
• 1970 Ph.D. in Neurocommunication, University of Keele, UK
• 1967 M.Sc. in Applied Psychology, University of Keele, UK
• 1966 B.A. in Psychology, University of Leicester, UK
• 2003- Head, Smith-Kettlewell Brain Imaging Center.
• 2002- Organizer, Fall Vision Meeting, San Francisco CA.
• 1990-2003 Associate Director, Smith-Kettlewell Eye Research Institute, San Francisco, CA.
• 1995-98 Member, ARVO Program Committee (Visual Psychophysics Section).
• 1994-95 Chair, Noninvasive Assessment of the Visual System, OSA Topical Meeting.
• 1990-2005 Associate Director, Smith-Kettlewell Eye Research Institute, San Francisco, CA.
• 1981- Senior Scientist, Smith-Kettlewell Eye Research Institute, San Francisco, CA.
• 1977- External Doctoral Thesis Advisor, Dept. of Psychology, University of California, Berkeley.
• 1986-87 Adjunct Professor, School of Optometry, University of California, Berkeley.
• 1985-89 Visiting Professor, UCLA Medical Center, Jules Stein Eye Institute.
• 1978-80 External Doctoral Thesis Advisor, Dept. of Psychology, Stanford University, Stanford, CA.
• 1978-82 Honorary Research Associate, Institute of Ophthalmology, London, U.K.
• 1975-81 Scientist, Smith-Kettlewell Institute of Visual Sciences, Institutes of Medical Sciences, Pacific Medical Center, San Francisco.
• 1974-75 Research Fellow, Dept. of Sensory and Perceptual Processes, Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, NJ.
• 1973-74 Research Fellow, Dept. of Psychology, University of Bristol, U.K.
• 1972-73 Assistant Professor, Northeastern University, Boston, MA.
(Psychology Courses: Experimental, Introductory, History, Social
Issues, Vision).
• 1972 Visiting Assistant Professor, Dept. of Psychology, University of
California, Los Angeles, CA. (Course: Perception).
• 1970-72 Research Fellow, Dept. of Psychology, Northeastern University,
Boston, MA.
Recent publications (2005-2010)
1. Tyler, C. W. (2010) The role of disparity interactions in perception of the 3D environment. In Vision in 3D Environments, L Harris and M Jenkins, Eds. Cambridge University Press (in press)
2. Schira M. M., Tyler C. W., Breakspear M., Spehar B (2010) Modeling magnification and anisotropy in the primate foveal confluence. Public Library of Science, Computational Biology [Epub]
3. Tyler, C. W. & Likova, L. T. (2010) An algebra for the analysis of object encoding. NeuroImage. [Epub].
4. Tyler, C. W. (2010) How did Leonardo perceive himself? Metric iconography of Da Vinci's self-portraits. Human Vision and Electronic Imaging (in press).
5. Tyler, C. W. (2010) Gombrich’s Vault of Perception: Do we “really” see straight lines as curved?” Gombrich Centenary Symposium. Holburton Press: London.
6. Tyler C. W. (2009) The Autostereogram. Scholarpedia (http://www.scholarpedia.
7. Schira M.M., Tyler C.W., Breakspear M., Spehar B. (2009) The foveal confluence in human visual cortex. J Neuroscience, 29:9050-58.
8. Tyler C. W. (2009) Straightness and the sphere of vision. Perception. 38:1423-7.
9. Tyler, C. W. & Likova, L. T. (2009). Neural signal estimation through time-resolved functional imaging. In: Brain Mapping Research Progress, Girard IC, Andre JS (Ed), Nova Scientific Publishers. pp.1-31. Likova, L. T. & Tyler, C. W. (2008). Occipital network for figure/ground organization. Experimental Brain Research, 189:257-67.
10. Tyler, C. W., Kontsevich, L.L. & Ferree, T.C. (2008). Independent components in stimulus-related BOLD signals and estimation of the underlying neural responses. Brain Research, 1229, 72-89.
11. Chen, C. C. & Tyler, C. W. (2008). Spectral analysis of fMRI signal and noise. In: Novel Trends in Brain Science. Springer: Tokyo: Japan, 63-76.
12. Likova, L. T. & Tyler, C. W. (2007). Stereomotion processing in the human occipital cortex. Neuroimage, 38:293-305.
13. Likova, L. T. & Tyler, C. W. (2007). Instantaneous stimulus paradigm: Cortical network and dynamics of figure-ground organization. Human Vision and Electronic Imaging, 6492.
14. Schira, M. M., Wade, A. R. & Tyler, C. W. (2007). The two-dimensional mapping of the central and parafoveal visual field to human visual cortex. J Neurophysiology 97:4284-95.
15. Tyler, C. W. & Likova, L. T. (2007). Crowding: A neuro-analytic approach. J. Vision 7:1-9.
16. Tyler, C. W. (2007) Eye-centring in portraits: Reply to McManus & Thomas. Perception, 36 183 – 188.
17. Tyler, C. W. (2007) Some principles of spatial organization in art. Spatial Vision, 20, 509–530.Chen, C. C., Kao, K-L. C. & Tyler, C. W. (2006). Face configuration processing in the human brain: the role of symmetry. Cereb Cortex 7:1423-32.
18. Tyler, C. W., Likova, L. T., Kontsevich, L. L. & Wade, A. R. (2006). The specificity of cortical area KO to depth structure. Neuroimage, 30:228-38.
19. Chen, C. C. & Tyler, C. W. (2006). Evidence for elongated receptive field structure for mechanisms subserving stereopsis. Vision Res. 46:2691-702.
20. Tyler, C. W. & Chen, C. C. (2006). Spatial summation of face information. J Vision 6:1117-25.
21. Tyler, C. W. (2006) Traversing the highwire from Pop to Optical (review of Lichtenstein exhibit). PLoS Biol 3: e136 doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.0030136, 2006.
22. Tyler, C. W., Likova, L. T., Kontsevich, L. L., Chen, C. C., Schira, M. M. & Wade, A. R. (2005). Extended concepts of occipital retinotopy. Current Medical Imaging Reviews, 1:319-329.
23. Sasaki, Y., Vanduffel, W., Knutsen, W., Tyler, C. W., Tootell, R. H. (2005). Symmetry activates extrastriate visual cortex in human and nonhuman primates. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 102:3159-63.
24. Tyler, C. W., Baseler, H. A., Kontsevich, L. L., Likova, L. T., Wade, A. R. & Wandell, B. A. (2005). Predominantly extra-retinotopic cortical response to pattern symmetry. Neuroimage. 24:306-14.
25. Tyler, C. W. (2005). Spatial form as inherently three-dimensional. In Jenkin, M. and Harris, L. Seeing Spatial Form. Oxford University Press: Oxford, U.K.
26. Tyler, C. W. & Kontsevich, L. L. (2005). The structure of stereoscopic masking: Position, disparity, and size tuning. Vision Res. 43:3096-108.
27. Tyler, C. W. (2005) A horopter for two-point perspective. SPIE Proceedings, 5006. |
The Human Representation of Visual Space through the Millennia |
The history of space representation through perspective has been one of great conceptual effort, with full mastery taking six centuries to evolve. Even in classical times, there was a substantial debate about how to express space, including perspective construction, from Agatharchus in the 5th century BC to early Roman painting. These early painters exhibited a mastery of shading, shadows, highlights and aerial perspective. They also generated good approximations of both one-point and two-point perspective constructions.
The earliest accurate perspective, however, is found in the 'zero-point' construction initiated by artists such as the Lorenzetti brothers in the 1300s. This metric construction allowed accurate convergence of single planes such as floor tiling without committing to the concept of a vanishing point at infinity. Depth representation through accurate convergence to a single vanishing point for the whole scene dominated the 1400s, being first used by Masolino da Panicale (1424). It was taken to great heights of sophistication by his pupil Masaccio and later artists such as Uccello, Mantegna, Leonardo and Raphael. Nonetheless, they all showed weaknesses of construction, implying that they lacked a full commitment to the intricacies of the one-point perspective scheme.
A further issue in the representation of visual space is Leonardo’s distinction between the ‘natural perspective’ of the person in the world and the ‘artificial perspective’ of viewing a flat painting. Artificial (or geometric) perspective is well defined, particularly for a world consisting of straight lines projecting to flat picture planes. Natural perspective, on the other hand, is an ill-defined concatenation of the net visual experiences of a mobile two-eyed observer in a 3D world that has often been interpreted as implying a curvilinear concept of perspective. This is a deeper issue that cannot be addressed by images on a flat plane. In this concatenated view, parallel straight lines have two vanishing points viewable by moving the eyes, whereas on a flat plane they have only one.
Paintings of curved perspective attempting to capture these properties date back to Fouquet and Mantegna in the 1400s, but they should be viewed as attempts to capture the true experience of natural perspective rather than as an improved geometry of perspective projection as such. Many varieties of perspective construction have been introduced since that time in the attempt to overcome the limitations of artificial perspective, but none can be regarded as entirely successful. Thus, capturing the structure of visual space through the geometry of perspective has remained a challenging problem throughout the history of painting and of visual representation in general. |
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Dr. Peter (Chung-Yu) Wu
President / Chair Professor, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan
Director General, National System-on-Chip Program
Dr. Peter (Chung-Yu) Wu (1998 IEEE Fellow) is President/Chair Professor of National Chiao Tung University. He served as Vice President for Conferences in 2004 -2005, and was a Board of Governor (BoG) member in 2003 in IEEE Circuit and System (CAS) Society. He was General Chair of 1994 IEEE APCCAS Conference. Dr. Wu served as Guest Editors of November 2003 Nanoelectronics Special Issue for the Proceedings of the IEEE and Aug. 1997 Multimedia Special Issue for IEEE Trans on CSVT, as Associate Editor for Trans. on CAS-Part II, Trans. on VLSI Systems, and Trans. on Multimedia. He served as CAS Editor for IEEE Circuits and Devices Magazine in 2006. Dr. Wu is the founding Chair of Technical Committee on Nanoelectronics and Giga-scale Systems. He served as Chair of Neural Technical Committee and as Chair of Multimedia Technical Committee. In regional activities area, Dr. Wu served as CAS Taipei Chapter Chair, and IEEE Taipei Section Chair. In 2000-2001, Dr. Wu served as a Distinguished Lecturer in IEEE CAS Society. Currently, Dr. Wu serves as the President of Taiwan Engineering Medicine & Biology Association (TWEMBA) promoting biomedical device and biomedical electronics research and development. He is the Director General of National Program on System-on-Chip and the President of Global Talentrepreneur Innovation & Collaboration (Global TIC) Association.
The major research interest of Dr. Wu is in the area of nanoelectronic circuits and systems for implantable medical devices such as artificial retina, deep brain stimulator for epilepsy, etc.
Dr. Wu is a recipient of IEEE Third Millennium Medal, a Fellow of IEEE, and also a U.S. Fulbright Scholar. He is a member of Eta Kappa Nu and Phi Tau Phi Honorary Scholastic Societies. He served as a Semester-Full Professor in fall 2003 and as Adjunct International Professor since spring 2004 for the ECE Department at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Publication List
CHUNG-YU WU, Professor
(A) Journal Papers:
1. [SCI][EI] Chung-Yu Wu, Sheng-Hao Chen, and Yu Wu, "Design and Analysis of a CMOS Ratio-Memory Cellular Nonlinear Network (RMCNN) Requiring No Elapsed Time," IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems I, to be published.
2. [SCI][EI] Hsiu-Ying Cho, Jiun-Kai Huang, Chin-Wei Kuo, Sally Liu, and Chung-Yu Wu, “A Novel Transmission Line De-Embedding Technique for RF Device Characterization,” IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, to be published.
3. [SCI][EI] Chung-Yu Wu, Yi-Kai Lo, and Min-Chiao Chen, “A 3–10 GHz CMOS UWB Low-Noise Amplifier With ESD Protection Circuits,“ IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, Vol. 19, issue 11, pp. 737-739, Nov. 2009.
4. [SCI][EI] Wen-Chieh Wang and Chung-Yu Wu, “A Low-Power K-Band CMOS Current-Mode Up-Conversion Mixer Integrated With VCO,“ to be published in IEICE Trans. Electron., vol. E92–C, no. 10, pp. 1291-1298, Oct. 2009.
5. [SCI][EI] Hsiu-Ying Cho, Tzu-Jin Yeh, Sally Liu, and Chung-Yu Wu, “High-Performance Slow-Wave Transmission Lines With Optimized Slot-Type Floating Shields,” IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, vol. 56, issue 8, pp. 1705-1711, Aug. 2009.
6. [SCI][EI] Zue-Der Huang, Chung-Yu Wu, and Bi-Chou Huang, “Design of 24-GHz 0.8-V 1.51-mW Coupling Current-Mode Injection-Locked Frequency Divider With Wide Locking Range,” IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 57, issue 8, pp. 1948-1958, Aug. 2009.
7. [SCI][EI] Chung-Yu Wu, Min-Chiao Chen, and Yi-Kai Lo, “A phase-locked loop with injection-locked frequency multiplier in 0.18-μm CMOS for V-band applications,” IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 56, issue
8, pp. 1705-1711, July 2009.
8. [SCI][EI] Wen-Chieh Wang, Zue-Der Huang, Geert Carchon, Abdelkarim Mercha, Stefaan Decoutere, Walter De Raedt, and Chung-Yu Wu, “A 1 V 23 GHz Low-Noise Amplifier in 45 nm Planar Bulk-CMOS Technology With High-Q Above-IC Inductors,“ IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, Vol. 19, issue 5, pp. 326-328, May 2009.
9. [SCI][EI] Chung-Yu Wu, Wen-Chieh Wang, Fadi R. Shahroury, Zue-Der Huang, and Hao-Jie Zhan, “Current-Mode Design Techniques in Low-Voltage 24-GHz RF CMOS Receiver Front-End,” Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, vol. 58, no. 3, pp. 183-195, Mar. 2009.
10. [SCI][EI] Chung-Yu Wu and Sheng-Hao Chen, "The Design and Analysis of a CMOS Low-Power, Large-Neighborhood CNN with Propagating Connections," IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems I, vol. 56, issue 2, pp. 440-452, Feb. 2009
11. [SCI][EI] Shahroury Fadi Riad, and Chung-Yu Wu, “A 1-V RF-CMOS LNA Design Utilizing the Technique of Capacitive Feedback Matching Network,” Integration, the VLSI Journal, Volume 42, Issue 1, Pages 83-88, January 2009
12. [SCI][EI] Fadi Riad Shahroury, and Chung-Yu Wu, “The Design of Low LO-Power 60-GHz CMOS Quadrature Balanced Self-Switching Current-Mode Mixer," IEEE Microw. & Wireless Components Lett,Vol. 18, Issue 10, pp. 692-694, Oct. 2008
13. [SCI][EI] Min-Chiao Chen and Chung-Yu Wu, “Design and analysis of CMOS subharmonic injection-locked frequency triplers,” IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Tech., vol.56, no. 8, pp. 1869-1878, Aug. 2008.
14. [SCI][EI] Li-Ju Lin, Chung-Yu Wu, Botond Roska, Frank Werblin, David Bálya, and Támas Roska,” A Neuromorphic Chip That Imitates the ON Brisk Transient Ganglion Cell Set in the Retinas of Rabbits,” IEEE Sensor Journal, vol. 7, pp. 1248-1261, Sept. 2007.
15. [SCI][EI] Chung-Yu Wu and Chi-Yao Yu,”Design and Analysis of a Millimeter-Wave Direct Injection-Locked Frequency Divider with Large Frequency Locking Range,” IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 55, no. 8, pp. 1649-1658, Aug. 2007.
16. [SCI][EI] Wei-Jen Ho, Jung-Sheng Chen, Ming-Dou Ker, Tung-Kung Wu, Chung-Yu Wu, Yuh-Shyong Yang, Yaw-Kuen Li and Chiun-Jye Yuan, “Fabrication of a miniature CMOS-based optical biosensor,” Biosensors and Bioelectronics, vol. 22, no. 12, pp. 3008-3013, Jun. 2007.
17. [SCI][EI] Chang-Ching Tu, Yaw-Kuen Le, Teng-Ming Chen and Chung-Yu Wu, “The Design and Fabrication of Photo-Sensing Nanodevice Structure with CdSe and an Nanoparticles on Silicon Chip,” IEEE Transaction on Nanotechnology, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 284-290, May. 2006.
18. [SCI][EI] Yu-Chuan Shih and Chung-Yu Wu, “Optimal design of CMOS pseudo-active-pixel-sensor (PAPS) structure for low-dark-current and large-array-size imager applications,” IEEE Sensor Journal, vol. 5, no. 6, pp. 956-963, Oct. 2005.
19. [SCI] [EI] Chung-Yun Chou and Chung-Yu Wu, “The Design of Wideband and Low-Power CMOS Active Polyphase filter and Its Application in RF Double-Quadrature Receivers,” IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems: Regular Papers, vol.52, no.5, pp. 825-833, May 2005.
(B-1) Invited/Keynote Speeches:
1. Chung-Yu Wu, “Biomedical SOC —The Next Opportunity/Challenge for Industry and Research,” Keynote Speech, IEEE Conference on Electron Device and Solid-State Circuits, Dec. 2007.
2. Chung-Yu Wu, “The Implementation of Retinal Functions on CMOS ICs and Their Applications,” Keynote Speech, IEEE Conference on Electron Device and Solid-State Circuits, Dec. 2007.
3. Chung-Yu Wu, “Biomedical SOC —The Next Opportunity/Challenge for Industry and Research,” 2007 International Semiconductor & Display Exhibition(2007 i-SEDEX) Taiwan Semiconductor Day, Seoul, Korea, Sept. 2007.
4. Chung-Yu Wu, “What Happens Next? —When Engineering Falls in Love with Biology, Medical Science, and Life Science,” Invited Keynote Speech, the 18th VLSI Design/CAD Symposium, Aug. 2007.
5. Chung-Yu Wu, “Advanced Nanodevice Structures with CdSe/ZnS and/or Au Nanoparticles for Photo-Sensing Applications,” Invited Talk, 2006 International Workshop on Next-Generation Electronics, April 2006.
6. Chung-Yu Wu, “Vision and Cognition in Intelligent Signal Processing,” Invited Keynote Speech, International Workshop on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IIHMSP), Sept. 2005.
7. Chung-Yu Wu, “Bio-inspired and Intelligent Circuits and Systems in Nanoelectroincs,” Invited Talk in K.U. Leuven, Belgium, March, 2005.
(B-2) International Conference Papers:
1. Wen-Chia Yang, Xie-Ren Hsu, Li-Ju Lin, and Chung-Yu Wu, “A Low DC-Level Variation Retinal Chip Based on the Neuromorphic Model of On Sluggish Sustained Ganglion Cell Set of Rabbits” in International Workshop on Cellular Nanoscale Networks and their Applications(CNNA), Feb,2010.
2. Chih-Cheng Hsieh, Wei-Yu Chen, and Chung-Yu Wu, “A high performance linear current mode image sensor,” in Proceedings of International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, ISCAS 2009, pp. 1273-1276, Taipei, Taiwan, May 2009.
3. Chi-Yao Yu, Wei-Zen Chen, Chung-Yu Wu, and Tai-You Lu, "A 60-GHz, 14% Tuning Range, Multi-Band VCO with a Single Variable Inductor", IEEE Asian Solid-Satae Circuit Dig. Tech. Papers, Nov. 2008, pp.129-132
4. [EI] Zue-Der Huang, Fong-Wei Kuo, Wen-Chieh Wang and Chung-Yu Wu, “ A 1.5-V 3~10-GHz 0.18-um CMOS Frequency Synthesizer for MB-OFDM UWB Applications,” in IEEE International Microwave Symposium 2008, IMS 2008, Atlanta, 15-20 June, 2008.
5. [EI] Wen-Chieh Wang, Chang-Ping Liao, Zue-Der Huang, Fadi R. Shahroury and Chung-Yu Wu, “The Design of Integrated 3-GHz to 11-GHz CMOS Transmitter for Full-Band Ultra-Wideband (UWB) Applications,” in The 2008 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, ISCAS 2008, Seattle, 18-21 May, 2008.
6. Chung-Yu Wu and Po-Hung Chen, “A Low Power V-band Low Noise Amplifier Using 0.13-um CMOS Technology,” in Proceedings of the 14th IEEE Int. Electronics, Circuits and Systems Conf. (ICECS), Dec. 2007, pp. 1328–1331.
7. Po-Hong Chen, Min-Chiao Chen, and Chung-Yu Wu, “An integrated 60-GHz front-end receiver with a frequency tripler using 0.13-μm CMOS technology,” in Proceedings of the 14th IEEE Int. Electronics, Circuits and Systems Conf. (ICECS), Dec. 2007, pp. 829–832.
8. Wen-Chieh Wang and Chung-Yu Wu, “The 1-V 24-GHz low-voltage low-power current-mode transmitter in 130-nm CMOS technology,” in 3rd Conf. on Ph.D. Research in Microelectronics and Electronics, PRIME 2007, France , July, 2007.
9. [EI] Chung-Yu Wu, Shun-Wei Hsu and Wen-Chieh Wang, “A 24-GHz CMOS Current-Mode Power Amplifier with High PAE and Output Power,” in The 2007 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, ISCAS 2007, New Orleans, 26-30 May, pp. 2866-2869, 2007.
10. [EI] Chung-Yu Wu and Chien-Ta Huang, “A CMOS Expansion/Contraction Motion Sensor with a Retina Processing Circuit for Z-Motion Detection Applications,” in The 2007 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, ISCAS 2007, New Orleans, 26-30 May, 2007
11. Chung-Yu Wu and Fadi R. Shahroury, “A Low-Voltage CMOS LNA Design Utilizing the Technique of Capacitive Feedback Matching Network,” in The 2006 IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems, ICECS 2006, Nice, Dec. 2006.
12. Chung-Yu Wu, Yi-Kai Lo and Min-Chiao Chen, “A 3.1~10 GHz CMOS Direct-Conversion Receiver,” in The 2006 IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems, ICECS 2006, Nice, Dec. 2006.
13. Chung-Yu Wu and Su-Yung Tsai, “Autonomous Ratio-Memory Cellular Nonlinear Network (ARMCNN) for Pattern Learning and Recognition,” in the 10th IEEE International Workshop on Cellular Neural Network and Their Applications, CNNA 2006, pp. 137-141, Aug. 2006.
14. Hsuan-Yi Su, Te-Hsien Hsu, Wen-Chieh Wang and Chung-Yu Wu, “A Low Spurious 5-GHZ CMOS Frequency Synthesizer with New Current-Match Charge-Pump Circuit,” in Regional Inter-University Postgraduate Electrical & Electronic Engineering Conference 2006, RIUPEEEC 2006, Macau, 13-14 July, 2006.
15. Min-Chiao Chen, Yen-Ding and Chung-Yu Wu, “A 5-GHz CMOS Direct-Conversion Receiver with Novel DC Offset Compensation Circuit,” in Regional Inter-University Postgraduate Electrical & Electronic Engineering Conference 2006, RIUPEEEC 2006, Macau, 13-14 July, 2006.
16. Chung-Yu Wu and Ismail Nabhan, "A Novel Low Power High Dynamic Range All CMOS Current-mode AGC," in The 2005 IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems, ICECS 2005, Dec. 2005.
17. Chung-Yu Wu and Yu Wu, "The Design of CMOS Non-Self-Feedback Ratio Memory Cellular Nonlinear Network without Elapsed Operation for Pattern Learning and Recognition" in The 2005 IEEE Cellular Neural Networks and their Application, CNNA 2005, Hsin-chu, Taiwan, May 28-30 , 2005
18. [EI] Chung-Yu Wu and Chi-Yao Yu, “A 0.8V 5.9GHz Wide Tuning Range CMOS VCO Using Inversion- Mode Bandswitching Varactors,” in The 2005 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, ISCAS 2005, Kobe Japan, May 23-26, 2005.
The Design of Implantable Retinal Chips for Visual Prostheses |
In this talk, implantable retinal chips for visual prostheses. Vision loss is a serious medical issue, where retinal diseases play major roles. Both age-related macular degeneration (ARMD) and retinitis pigmentosa (RP) are the most important retinal diseases without effective cure. In the statistics of eye diseases, it is estimated that one out of 4000 peoples is suffering from retinitis pigmentosa (RP) and one tenth of the population with age over 65 years is affected by age-related macular degeneration (AMD). In order to provide a more effective therapeutic plan for recovering the vision loss, a sub-retinal implantation system is proposed. The system includes intraocular and extraocular units. The former contains photo-sensors and electrodes for optical receiver and stimulation, where as latter one is equipped with processor and optical transmitter. Successful ERG signal recorded after the implantation on animals indicated that the method is promising. A divisional power supply technique and a special electrode design enabling three times larger the output stimulating current are proposed to solve the problems of limited power supply and stimulation currents. Future research work to ensure the efficacy and biocompatibility for clinical trial will be presented. |
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Dr. Izumi Ohzawa
Visual Neuroscinece Laboratory (Ohzawa Lab)
Graduate School of Frontier Biosciences Osaka University, Japan
Website: http://ohzawa-lab.bpe.es.osaka-u.ac.jp/
Dr. Izumi Ohzawa is a well-known researcher in the field of early visual cortical functions. In the 90s, he used a marvelous tool -- the reverse correlation techniques (also known as spike-triggered averaging) -- to measure the electrophysiological responses of cell sand applied these techniques to measure the spatial and temporal attributes of receptive fields of early visual cortical cells. It was probably one of the greatest breakthroughs in the field of electrophysiological study since Nobel Laureates Hubel and Wiesel found the orientation-tuned cells in 1962. Dr. Izumi Ohzawa further extended these techniques to study dynamic vision and depth perception; his research helped us gain deeper understanding regarding the attributes of receptive fields in various aspects. Recently, he has used the same techniques to study the interactions among cortical cells and properties of high-order neurons in areas beyond early visual areas. This approach expanded the horizon of electrophysiological recordings from studying a single neuron’s responses to explore the response properties of a larger neural network. Dr. Izumi Ohzawa is one of the most important contemporary figures in the field of single cell recording in vision sciences.
• 1986 Ph.D. in Physiological Optics, University of California, Berkeley
• 1978-1979 Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Maryland, College Park (Sankei Scholorship)
• 1978 B.S. Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Nagoya University
• 2002 April-current Professor, Graduate School of Frontier Biosciences, Osaka University
• 2000-2002 Professor, Department of Biophysical Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University
• 1998-2000 Associate Research Physiologist, Principal Investigator
• 1996-2000 Associate Research Physiologist, University of California, Berkeley
• 1989-1996 Assistant Research Physiologist, University of California, Berkeley
• 1987 Visiting Scientist, ATR Auditory and Visual Perception Research
Laboratories, Osaka, Japan
• 1986-1988 Postdoctoral Associate
Recent publications (2005-2010)
1. Tanaka, H. & Ohzawa, I. (2009). Surround suppression of V1 neurons mediates orientation-based representation of high-order visual features.J Neurophysiol 101: 1444-146
2. First published December 24, 2008; doi:10.1152/jn.90749.200
2. Kimura, R. & Ohzawa, I. (2009). Time course of cross-orientation suppression in the early visual cortex. J Neurophysiol 101: 1463-1479. First published December 17, 2008; doi:10.1152/jn.90681.2008
3. Sasaki, K. S. & Ohzawa, I. (2007). Internal spatial organization of receptive fields of complex cells in the early visual cortex. J. Neurophysiol. 98: 1194-1212.
4. Ikeno, S., Nishioka, T., Hachida, T., Kanzaki, R., Seki, Y., Ohzawa, I., & Usui I. (2007). Development and application of CMS-based database modules for neuroinformatics. Neurocomputing 70: 2122-2128.
5. Ohzawa, I. (2006). Mechanisms and models of the early visual system. (Review article in Japanese) J. Japan Society for Fuzzy Theory and Intelligent Informatics 18(3): 369-376.
6. Tanaka, H. & Ohzawa, I. (2006). Neural basis for stereopsis from second-order contrast cues. J Neurosci. 26: 4370-4382.
7. Nishimoto, S., Ishida, T., & Ohzawa, I. (2006). Receptive field properties of neurons in the early visual cortex revealed by local spectral reverse correlation. J. Neurosci. 26: 3269-3280.¬
8. Sanada, T. M. & Ohzawa, I. (2006). Encoding of three-dimensional surface slant in cat visual areas 17 and 18. J Neurophysiol. 95: 2768-2786.
9. Nishimoto, S., Arai, M., & Ohzawa, I. (2005). Accuracy of subspace mapping of spatiotemporal frequency domain visual receptive fields. J Neurophysiol. 93(6): 3524-3536.
Recent Advances in the Functional Analysis of High-order Visual Neurons |
A standard definition of the receptive field of a visual neuron is the area of visual space in which stimuli can influence responses of the neuron. Applying this definition to neurons in high-order areas along the visual pathway is uninteresting, because receptive fields just become increasingly larger in high-order visual areas, providing minimally useful information about the properties of the neuron.
Methodologically, reverse correlation techniques have been instrumental in elucidating detailed characteristics of neurons in the early visual areas. However, it has generally been thought that the methods are not suitable for studying neurons in high-order visual areas because of their massive nonlinearities. I will outline recent advances in the functional analysis methods that are well suited for simultaneous recordings from a large number of neurons spanning even multiple visual areas. I will also describe our recent efforts in extending the notion of receptive fields to more useful space that is not necessarily limited to spatial dimensions. Examples of actual experimental measurements of such extended receptive fields are presented. |
©2010 Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision |